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Sweat is fat crying.
Crying is not a sign of weakness. Even strong people cry especially when they've been strong
Buy now or cry later
Crying is for plain women. Pretty women go shopping. Oscar Wilde
It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to
Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened. Dr. Seuss
Cry, not when the sun has set, for the tears will hinder you from seeing the stars.
One of the best mistake done is never repeat, and never cry for the same problem.
My mascara is too expensive to cry over stupid boys like you.
Tears are words that the heart can't say.
Let the tears come and water your soul.
Even a million tears won't bring anything back.
No one knows how much I cried that day.
My mind is currently wandering in a dark and terrible place.
Lord help my poor soul.
If only memories can be wiped as easily as tears.
Keeping a lot to myself because it's difficult to find people who understand.
It's not like I can't feel pain. It's just that I can tolerate it much better.
In silence, no one answers.
Nothing like a tear running down a cheek.
Why do people have to experience loneliness?
Why do they always want me to be what I can't become?
Admit it, you're waiting for something that has no chance of happening.
Here I am expecting too much from people again.
I loathe loneliness, but it loves me.
Unfortunately, being okay takes a lot of work.
Things change, and friends leave. Indeed, life stops for no one.
Some people seem to get all the sunshine. And some, all the shade.
Ultimately, we can only blame ourselves.
Unhappiness begins when one becomes too clingy and attached.
I said I'm fine. But, am I really?
How much more can I take?
If my absence does not affect you, then my presence means nothing.
Behind every "it's okay" is a little pain.
Smiling and trying to keep the tears from falling.
Numb is my default mood.
Living, but no one notices.
Maybe it was as possible to succeed as a failure as it was to fail at succeeding.
My own expectations caused most of the pain I've ever experienced in my life.
You can't be lonely when you've always been alone in the first place.
Yearning for the times when my smile was real.
A multitude of people, yet loneliness creeps.
All they notice are my mistakes.
Am I sad? Not really, but I feel quite empty.
Because when I sleep, the feelings of sadness, anger, and loneliness cease to exist.
No one cares anyway.
Grief will always be the price we'll pay for love.
Sadness is like an ocean. Frequently, we drown. But sometimes, we are forced to swim.
Dark Life
Dark People
Slowly fading away and no one is even noticing.
I hate that I'm still hoping.
I feel like I'm waiting for something that is never going to happen.
I act like it isn't a big deal, when really, I am breaking my heart.
Hiding a thousand feelings behind the happiest smile.
Different faces, different experiences, different monsters in you.
I never stop loving I stopped showing him.
Alone, I feel sad. Amongst others, I feel even more sad.
Drowning in a whirlpool of emotions.
Even my imaginary friends avoid me.
Family and friends? I've got a lot of those! But why do I feel so alone?
Have you ever woken up pre-sad? It's like nothing even happened yet, butyou're already sad.
Every now and then, I just disappear. It's kind of my thing, really.
Why is it raining despite the absence of clouds?
Where should I go? To the left where nothing is right, or to the right where nothing is left?
Whenever I'm sad, I just go to my favorite place-the fridge!
To let go or to hold on? Which is more painful?
These are days where everyday clothes feel like weighted blankets.
Old memories sometimes creep out of my eyes and slip down my cheeks.

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